Americans love their Constitution, but
most of us probably don’t fully understand it.
That became evident this week in major
news stories. They both show that we may miss two important facts.
First, most of the Constitution applies
to all people within the borders of the United States, even if they
are not citizens.
Second, people in the United States
have more rights than the relative few listed in the Bill of Rights.
The Framers of the Constitution, the 39
men who agreed in September 1787 on the draft document, wanted the
House of Representatives to be directly elected by citizens. The
number of seats allocated to each state is to be determined by the
state’s population, counting just about everybody, not just
Remember that women did not have the
right to vote, though they were citizens, and the new country was
attracting immigrants, not yet citizens. Yet both women and
immigrants were directly affected by the federal government. They
were part of the population, but only men could the vote.
To know the correct allocation of
seats, the Constitution requires that everybody, citizen or not,
should be counted every ten years. Slaves were originally counted
less, and Indians, when not taxed, not at all. Both are now fully
counted. The first census was in 1790, and there is a census every
ten years.
Over time, the federal government began
to operate some of its activities and provide financing to states
based on state populations. As a result, the census, with questions
added, became the best way to know about some characteristics of
people so that the federal support could be distributed
The census was not used for law
enforcement out of concern that some people might avoid being
counted, which would undermine the basic constitutional purpose of
the census.
Now, the Trump administration is
proposing to add a question about citizenship to the census
questionnaire. Because most government programs are not run for
citizens alone, the prime purpose of the question is law enforcement.
If people refuse to be counted or lie about citizenship, they may
face deportation.
By using the census to remove people
from states, the result may be under-representation of some states.
Remember, the Constitution says people, not only citizens, should be
That provision is consistent with other
parts of the Constitution. For example, the Bill of Rights applies
to all people in the United States, not only citizens. Everybody has
freedom of speech.
Some states are taking the federal
government to court over the citizenship question in the census. One
possible result may be that no questions may be asked in the census
beyond the simple count required by the Constitution.
The other event this week was an
article by John Paul Stevens, a retired justice of the U.S. Supreme
Court. Responding to the student gun control demonstrations in the
wake of the Parkland shootings, he called for the repeal of the
Second Amendment. That would allow the kind of gun control the
students wanted.
The N.R.A. immediately responded,
seeing his statement as an attempt to sweep away a basic right,
protected by the Constitution.
The Declaration of Independence says
people are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights.” Rights do not come from government. People naturally
have rights.
When the Constitution was debated,
Alexander Hamilton opposed the Bill of Rights. He argued that people
had many rights and listing only some of them would give the mistaken
impression that these were the only human rights.
But many states wanted protection from
government action that would excessively restrict at least a few of
those rights, notably where the British king had cracked down. But
the Bill of Rights states there are more rights, “retained by the
Even if the Second Amendment were
repealed, the right to “keep and bear Arms” would not have been
repealed. But some its supporters say the Second Amendment is needed
to ensure it as an absolute right, one the government cannot limit in
any way.
The Supreme Court decision that every
person has the right to own and use a gun also found that reasonable
limits could be placed on the right. Keeping guns out of schools was
one example given. The Court had long ago ruled that any right has
its limits, especially when its use can harm others.
These two situations – who the census
counts and the extent of the Second Amendment – take us back to
understanding the Constitution. If only we had paid attention in
civics class.