Friday, June 12, 2015

Maine, U.S. sacrifice reputations amid political battles

Appearances matter.  But recently the images projected by the Maine and U.S. governments have contributed to a loss of the positive reputation Mainers and all Americans consider their birthright.

Maine has a reputation of being populated by hard-working people with their own sense of humor and a serious, if not dour, demeanor.  Mainers are often considered calm and solid with a strong sense of community.

The state’s politics have been conducted in a civil and respectful manner, even when there were sharp differences between the parties.

Take the election of Edmund Muskie as governor in 1954.  He was the first Democrat to be elected governor in decades, and he faced an overwhelmingly Republican Legislature.  Yet Maine government was able to produce results with minimal acrimony to the point that both Muskie and GOP legislators were sent back to Augusta after the next election.

These days, Gov. Paul LePage is not getting along nearly that well with the Democrats, who control the House, or with many Republicans, who control the Senate.

After winning only 39 percent of the vote in his first run for governor, he sought to prove his popularity.  His opposition, once again split, allowed him to boost his vote nearly to a majority.

His re-election proved his first victory was no fluke.  But LePage seems to believe that it meant Mainers were giving him a blank check to run state government, and legislators ought to fall in line.

He charged, “the Democrats are going to disenfranchise the Maine people,” meaning the other party would not roll over for him in light of his electoral victory.  He would retaliate he warned, by vetoing any bill “with a Democrat sponsor.”

LePage had made the bold proposal to abolish the state income tax, but this keystone of his legislative package ran into opposition from both Republicans and Democrats.  With three more years in his term, he might have chosen to negotiate on measures moving in his direction and pressed for more later. 

Instead of using the political process and the urge to compromise, LePage went to war.  Beyond making good on his veto threat, he heatedly labeled his opponents as “bums.”

If you are a LePage supporter, you might have hoped he would advance his program as far as he could instead of slamming the door on any possible cooperation, creating a crisis.

Under LePage, the slogan has been “Maine is open for business.”  Almost everybody recognizes the 
need for attracting new business and new jobs, but corporate chiefs look for consistent and rational government before they invest.

A state government in turmoil cannot present that desired appearance.  In waging his political battles, LePage apparently ignores their effect on business development and acts with indifference, as he did when he chased Statoil, one of the world’s largest companies, out of the state.

The political conflict that has come to Maine already exists in Washington.  In an interview earlier this year, former U.S. Sen. Bill Cohen, a Maine Republican, said that the “dysfunctional system” there had become “an embarrassment to me as I travel around the world.”

The world’s greatest power, supposedly a model of open, democratic government is almost paralyzed by its inability to find compromises that gain enough support to produce results.  That comes across as an abandonment of a leadership role that many want it to play.

“Compromise is a word you can’t use any longer,” Cohen said.  Without the willingness on either the extreme right or the extreme left to make concessions, there can be no compromise.  And without compromise in a country this size, decisions become impossible.

In the same interview, former Sen. George Mitchell, a Democrat, found we want competition between the parties, but we also want them to reach compromises.  The difficulty, he said, is in striking a balance.  But you cannot do that if you don’t try.  Or, as in LePage’s case, if the prime dealmaker prefers conflict.

Congress did manage to find a compromise on the USA Freedom Act, which allowed continued N.S.A. searches through telephone data, but added a requirement for court supervision.  An overwhelming majority was achieved in both the House and Senate after members of both parties, concerned about personal rights, moved away from insistence on secret, broad-scale government surveillance.

Both Maine House members, one Democrat and one Republican, and independent Sen. King voted for the compromise.  But GOP Sen. Collins stuck with her party and strongly opposed added protection from government data sweeps.  Though an advocate of compromise, she missed her big chance.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Why the GOP scrambles, Clinton seen as inevitable

It is definitely too early to be paying much attention to the 2016 presidential campaign, with the election 17 months away. 

But Washington seems blocked by partisan deadlock with the conflict between a Democratic president and Republican Congress as the focal point.  So we naturally focus on the future.

Without handicapping the candidates, it may be worth putting the campaign in perspective.  Here are some questions and possible answers.

Why are there so many Republicans in the race?  

There are now more GOP presidential candidates than anybody can remember there ever being in either party.

Perhaps they believe the conservative wave will crest in 2016, making it the best time to be a conservative candidate.  Each candidate wants to seize the opportunity.

With so many candidates, it may not take much support in an early primary to gain traction.  The candidate, who wins with only 10 percent in New Hampshire, could overnight be transformed into a strong frontrunner.  In theory at least, a Republican moderate could hope for this result.

Possibly, some candidates want simply to increase their standing to enhance their chances for a cabinet appointment by the eventual winner.  Or to gain visibility when seeking a lobbyist or television job.  And a strong finisher with an identifiable constituency could even hope to get on the ticket as the vice presidential nominee.

Finally, some of the senators obviously have little interest in their current office and have always viewed it as the route to a quick shot at the presidency.  For them, it’s a matter of now or never.

As for holding early debates, they are unworkable.  It would be better to allow each GOP candidate five minutes to answer the same question than to stage a “debate.”

Why is Hillary Clinton seen as the inevitable Democratic nominee?

All the obvious reasons apply: high name recognition, experience as senator and secretary of state, good funding, extensive political network from her 2008 run, a woman.

But here are some problems: yet another Clinton, not honest about contributions to the Clinton foundation, keeping official emails and probably deleting some, no common touch.

Voters have already given her a negative rating.  But she remains the frontrunner, thanks to her air of inevitability, her attractiveness as a female candidate, and some buyer’s remorse about her not having been picked as the 2008 nominee.   

Is Hillary Clinton in fact inevitable?

No, there’s plenty of time for her to make a mistake that could fatally damage her campaign.  She may seek to avoid damage by saying as little as possible, like Richard Nixon for whom that strategy worked when he was a frontrunner. 

And it is too soon to know if the appeal of Sen. Bernie Sanders or former Gov. Martin O’Malley will ignite support.  She has something to lose; they don’t.  Sanders can promote his agenda; O’Malley may really want to be the vice presidential nominee.  Maybe Secretary of State John Kerry will be a late choice.

Why isn’t Jeb Bush the frontrunner for the GOP nomination?

In 2000, his brother got to be frontrunner by amassing so large a war chest early that he simply scared everybody else away.  Jeb is helping fund a huge political action committee before he formally announces and then will have to keep it at arm’s length.  Though of dubious legality, that may work, but unlike brother George, he has allowed the rest of the pack to get a good head start.

Where does the GOP presidential campaign lead?

The Republican candidate must find a way to be nominated by conservatives, who largely control the selection process, and appeal in the general election to both conservatives and voters who are more moderate than much of the GOP.

In the Republican field, there is a great deal of agreement on limiting the role of government, reducing regulation of the private sector, cutting entitlements, and on social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.  In short, the candidates mostly share views on what they are against.

The successful candidate, while conservative enough to appeal to conservatives, must find a way to having a broader appeal.  Experience in government could prove to be essential.

In the field, though barely registering at this point, a candidate possibly filling this bill is Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the two-term GOP governor of a key swing state.  He also served nine terms in the U.S. House. 

In 2016, the Republican National Convention will be in Cleveland, which could produce the rare scene of a host state’s governor being the party’s nominee.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Income gap, tax policy closely linked

People are becoming increasingly aware of the income gap – the growing spread between incomes at the top and the bottom.

Proposed solutions range from levying a higher income tax on the wealthy to raising the minimum wage to doing nothing in the belief the market take care of the problem.

The gap would be even wider without the effect of the tax system, according to a new study by Federal Reserve economists.  It focuses on the federal and state income tax and levies on consumer purchases.

Income taxes are usually designed to impose higher rates on upper income people, those with the ability to  contribute to government revenues, and lower rates on people with modest incomes, whose ability to contribute is limited.

The study finds that federal taxes cushion the impact of the growing income gap while state taxes on average make the gap even greater.  But the performance varies from one state to another.

Without a sales tax, much of the effect of federal taxes on households comes from work-related taxes.  Lower income people may pay little or no income tax, though they are likely to pay payroll and gasoline taxes.  The Earned Income Tax Credit, which can be paid to lower wage workers, also cuts the gap.

At the state level, both income and sales taxes affect the gap, as does the gasoline tax.  Some states, including Maine, have their own EITC.

State tax systems provide greatly varying results.  At one end is Minnesota, which increases by more than 18 percent the federal tax effect in compressing the income gap, and at the other is Tennessee, which counteracts the federal gap-narrowing effect by 33 percent.

Maine adds 3.5 percent to the federal gap reduction effect.  One positive aspect of the Maine system, 
according to the study, is that food is not subject to the sales tax.  Exempting clothing would also reduce the gap as it does in some states.

Perhaps the most significant tax falling more heavily on lower income people than the wealthy is the gasoline tax.  Like food, gasoline can be a necessity of life.

Interestingly, the increase in upper end incomes has some influence on reducing the gap.  As more people move into the top federal tax bracket thanks to their gains, they pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.

The tax system could have an even more significant effect on reducing the income gap.  At the federal level, the income tax on the wealthiest could be increased.  French economist Thomas Piketty, one of the most well-known experts on the gap, advocates a drastic levy at the top. 

Investor Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, favors increasing the EITC, which would bring up the bottom and, because it is paid to workers, would encourage people to seek employment.  He opposes merely increasing the minimum wage, which he says would cut employment.

Some current proposals to modify the income tax would have the effect of increasing the gap   between lower income people and those at the top.  Abolishing the income tax, as proposed by Maine Gov. Paul LePage, would clearly increase the income gap.  State taxes do that in all nine states that have no general income tax. 

While eliminating the income tax may have little effect on those at the bottom end of the income scale, who pay little even now, it would allow incomes of those at the top to increase.

Even the seemingly more modest proposal to impose a so-called “flat” tax, under which the same rate applies to all, would have a similar effect.

Are there possible changes to federal and state taxation, even without increasing the rates, that could have a more impact on reducing the income gap?

At the federal level, a tough reform of loopholes, so-called tax expenditures, could have a major effect.  The more they are eliminated, the more the wealthy pay, but it might even be possible to lower everybody’s income tax rates.  

That’s less drastic than Piketty’s proposal, but would have a somewhat similar effect.  But reform discussions now seem to focus more on rates than on the loopholes protected by well-funded lobbyists.

Right now, none of the states without an income tax offers workers an EITC.  Without imposing a new income tax, they could cut the gap by adding such help for lower income workers.

Sales tax exemptions for non-essential items could be eliminated in many states.  And states tagging onto the federal system could close some of its loopholes.  Both could be done in Maine.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Should Democrats be running scared?

The Democrats may be their own worst problem.

The party has considerable advantages according to recent national polls, but, at best, it comes across with a somewhat blurred image and, at worst, as pursing a version of liberalism that has limited appeal.

Yet surveys show that most Americans agree with what is usually considered Democratic policy.

Take campaign finance.  Four-fifths of people say they favor new controls over campaign spending.  Opposition to limits comes from Republicans who say bankrolling political campaigns is a form of free speech.  Democrats have not made this an issue, and may themselves also go for the big money.

Or immigration.  Almost 60 percent say that today’s illegal or undocumented aliens should have a path toward citizenship.  Republicans are divided on this, but many of them say the borders must first be secured, though they know that is not a practical possibility.

Or same-sex marriage.  This is a so-called “wedge” issue, a social issue leading voters to support the GOP’s candidates without much regard to their positions on other issues.  But a strong majority of voters nationally support it, though some conservative states strongly oppose.

It seems clear that the GOP hopes to benefit from such wedge issues including abortion and gun control.  And their adulation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggests they are trying to make support for Israel also a wedge issue.

Yet surveys show almost equal division of opinion on abortion and gun control with no information yet on Israel.

On the central issue, whether people have a favorable view of Republicans or Democrats, the GOP trails badly.  And since the Republicans took control of both houses of Congress this year, opinions about that institution have sunk even below their already low levels.

Despite all of this evidence that should give comfort and political strength to the Democrats, they fail to capitalize on their advantages.  In fact, they often give the impression of running scared.

The Republicans say they are the conservative party and most voters are conservative.  If the Democrats accept this view, they are tempted to move to the right and actively avoid being labeled liberals.

It’s possible that a conservative-liberal political split does not provide a true picture.  Pretty clearly, the conservatives have a coherent set of views and policies, and they freely label as liberals those that oppose them.  But are the 57 percent who say they support same-sex marriage all liberals?

We have seen the U.S. Supreme Court being reported by the media as composed of four conservatives, four liberals and one swing voter.  But a close look shows there are four, sometimes five, conservatives and four non-conservatives.  The media designation of them as “liberals” may please the GOP.

But what about Obamacare?  Isn’t the majority disapproval a sign of conservative rejection of a liberal policy?

Perhaps, but it is also a good example of the Democrats’ failure to champion their own causes and allowing themselves to be intimidated into soft-peddling their own policies.

Or the economy?  Unemployment is down, and output is growing.  While individuals should be earning more (and the top one percent is), the Democrats never fail to admit the situation is good but could be improved.  Certainly honest, but not a way to win elections.

The national media has supported the increasingly incorrect notion of a conservative-liberal split, which the right is supposedly winning.  “Red states” and “blue states” supposedly have both a political and an ideological meaning.

It’s possible to disagree with the conservative position, making you a non-conservative but not necessarily a liberal.  As the surveys show, you may be in the mainstream.

In Maine, the split between conservatives and those who have opposing views is playing out differently.  The Democrats may sometimes be drowned out by Gov. LePage, but not to the point of running scared.  And the legislative Republicans remain attached to protecting their prerogatives even from a governor of their own party.

The presidential campaign will sharpen the contrast between the conservative and non-conservative views.  If they can put one of their candidates in the White House, conservatives could then claim political domination.

Recently, the Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic presidential candidate, is adopting positions that just a short while ago would have been deemed too liberal.  She’s not doing that to squelch more liberal challengers, but because her polling shows most voters are increasingly supporting policies formerly considered liberal.

The Democrats have the opportunity to appeal to the majority, but only if they have the courage of their convictions.