you hear the term “net neutrality,” do your eyes glaze over?
may sound techie, but it is about the major issue of the day: the
roles of government and private enterprise.
Internet was a creation of the U.S. Defense Department, allowing
almost instant communication between computers. It was soon made
available for commercial use so that all computer users could access
the Internet. To do so, they must normally use an Internet Service
Provider (ISP).
different views have appeared over what kind of access people should
get when they use the Internet. One view – net neutrality – is
that the Internet is like a highway and should be open to all to
reach any content on an equal basis. The alternative view is that
ISPs can manage user access for their own profit.
President Obama, the U.S. adopted net neutrality. Now, under
President Trump, federal regulators have decided to allow competitive
use so that ISPs can control access.
competitive approach means, for example, that ISPs provide service at
differing speeds, direct searches to certain sites and products and
away from others, and make it difficult to reach their competitors.
The fastest service will cost more. If you don’t pay premium
rates, your access will be slower.
managing access, ISPs should be able to boost their profits. And
they will create classes of users based on how much they pay.
neutrality is based on non-discriminatory access regulated by the
government. The new system eliminates much of a government role and
leaves the Internet to the private sector.
is a classic case of the two competing economic views. Should the
government regulate to ensure equality and wide public access or
should the system be left to the private sector, protecting what are
seen as the liberties of people and enterprises?
short, however technical it may seem, the issue of net neutrality is
new round in the fight between government and the private sector.
the same difference in views is the focus of the battle about the
Affordable Care Act. The traditional system has been to leave health
insurance coverage to competing private companies. That system
produced coverage for many, but left millions of others without
insurance, limiting their ability to get good care.
many people were uninsured under the competitive system, the federal
government introduced Medicare for seniors, Medicaid for low-income
people and, finally, the ACA, which is meant to subsidize coverage
for most other people who had been left uninsured.
year, the Republican Congress has tried to reduce or eliminate the
ACA and cut back on Medicaid, permitting a return to the old,
competitive model. They focused on private sector action over
government programs and their cost. The model is more important, in
this view, than covering the uninsured.
current tax cut legislation reflects the same divergence of views.
The GOP proposals would cut taxes more for the wealthy than for the
middle-class and poor. The Republicans maintain that more money in
the hands of the wealthy and corporations will lead to more
investment in job-creating enterprises.
Democrats would give biggest cuts to middle-income people who would
spend more of their income. While the GOP approach relies on the
private sector to promote personal income and growth, the Democrats
favor more direct boosts to individual purchasing power.
divergent views are repeated throughout the national political
debate. Will the environment be protected through a competitive
market or thanks to government regulation? If competition yields
more jobs and profits in preference to better air quality, is that a
fair trade-off?
is the extent of government responsibility for assisting the poor?
Should there be government income support programs or should the
country rely on charitable aid, possibly encouraged by tax
you have read this column, you may have answered these questions in
the national debate. These issues are worth consideration. This
debate is worth having.
the main issues are often obscured by partisanship. It is more
important for some that their party wins on an issue than the
substance of the issue itself. Members of Congress line up on some
bills even before they know their content.
political leaders try to obscure these basic issues by promoting
“wedge” issues like abortion and guns. They expect voters to
give them a blank check in return for their position on a single
sensitive issue.
American political system depends on compromise. But getting
agreement on basic issues is impossible when partisanship and wedge
issues dominate the debate.